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How to Market / Advertise your Business

With so many different ways to advertise your business, it can seem like a daunting task figuring out which one works best for your business. And nowadays, everyone is using the internet and their phones for almost everything so your advertising must reflect that. Despite there being so many advertising options, the method for advertising online is relatively the same.


Here is a pretty simple breakdown of how you can start building your ultimate marketing machine today.

The Perfect customer

Before you can begin creating anything, you must research and create your “Perfect Customer” profile. This means, listing out all of the attributes of what you consider the perfect customer. Information like… Read More


Next up is a sales funnel. A funnel, in simple terms, is just a way to capture leads from where people’s attention is at, to your website with your product or service. The best way we have found to do that is through qualifying forms on a thoroughly detailed website. Read More


Now with a website, funnel, and qualifying form, you can begin to send traffic with tools like Google Ads. Read More

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